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Read with Us!

Our reading program sets students up for reading success with an online quizzing program to support comprehension. Goals keep students on track to read within their individualized reading range.

The STAR assessment provides the precise reading levels for students and measures reading growth through the year.

Join our monthly reading genre challenge, take the quiz, and create a book project! Monthly virtual show and tell gives students the opportunity to create their project with an audience in mind.


Simple January Reading Challenge Poster.png

How to 

student reading a book with fireworks be

1. Choose and read a book in the month's suggested genre or theme

2. Take the Accelerated Reader quiz

3. Create a project using an idea from the list or one of your own

4. Take a picture or video of your project

5. Fill in information and add picture/video on the slide template

6. Email your slide by 8am on the presentation date to:

7. Attend the monthly Zoom show 'n tell to see your project!

Monthly Show 'n Tell

Join us each month to recognize the top 10 students with the most words read and the top 10 students with the most quizzes taken!

December Most Words Read

  1. Brooklyn N (225,435)

  2. Joshua A (199,372)

  3. Oliver A (191,203)

  4. Alexander R (191,203)

  5. Dixie C (84,817)

  6. Greer C (58,640)

  7. Londyn D (54,550)

  8. Carter W (54,473)

  9. Henrietta H (40,454)

  10. Caitlin A (39,160)

December Most Quizzes Passed

  1. Brooklyn N. (41)

  2. Harper B (16)

  3. Caitlin A (11)

  4. Micaela H (10)

  5. Dixie C (10)

  6. Gabriel V (9)

  7. Wyatt R (8)

  8. Henrietta H (7)

  9. Luca C (7)

  10. Joshua A (6)

November Most Words Read

  1. Ethan A. (274,094)

  2. Bragan P. (255,685)

  3. Abigail G. (243,891)

  4. Dixie C. (221,509)

  5. Chandler F. (190,858)

  6. Enzo R. (150,442)

  7. Londyn D. (126,472)

  8. Josh A. (126,472)

  9. Akky C. (97,781)

  10. Ariel H. (95,910)

November Most Quizzes Passed

  1. Ethan A.  (19)

  2. Dixie C.   (18)

  3. Lincoln R.  (14)

  4. Harper B.  (12)

  5. Jackson J.  (12)

  6. Gabriel V.  (11)

  7. Ansley H.  (8)

  8. Bella M.   (7)

  9. Henrietta H.  (6)

  10. Joshua A.  (6)

October Most Words Read

  1. Oliver A- 310,645

  2. Madelynn T. - 190,858

  3. Brayden D – 169,441

  4. Enzo R. – 161,981

  5. Londyn D. – 149,686

  6. Chanlyn W. – 122,712

  7. Lillian T. – 106,821

  8. Preston S. – 99,976

  9. Magnolia P. – 96,889

October Most Quizzes Passed

  1. Chanlyn W.

  2. Portlynd W.

  3. Enzo R.

  4. Madelyn N.

  5. Dixie C.

  6. Henrietta H.

  7. Asa V.

  8. Gabriel V.

  9. Emilia M-H

  10. Jake I.

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